What are the Best Ways To Save Money?

Before we discuss some of the best ways to save money, it is important to remember that big amount can be saved by saving small continuously. Also, if you are able to kill the consumer-attitude in you, the opportunity if saving is large. Here are some of the best ways to save money:


  • Quit Smoking

If you are not a smoker, this is not a point to stop. However, for those you smoke, quitting it can save large money every month. In case, if you have not identified it already, here is the calculation – $5 per day can save you as much as $150 every month, which equals to about $1,800 a year. Isn’t it big?

  • Buy Used Things

We buy new things whenever the need arises. And we all know new things last longer and look better. However, in some cases, it is not at all required to buy new items. Things like dishwashers, seasonal materials, cars, household items, repairing equipments, etc are available at consignment stores and auctions at a very low rate.

  • Reduce House Expenses

Pick up any article on the internet that says ‘top ten ways to save money’ and you will find this point in it. Home expenses comprise over 50% of your monthly paycheck. There are several things you can do like wash clothes at home, disconnect your cable connection, reduce number of magazine subscriptions, switch to an alternative service, etc.

  • Drive Less

Driving less certainly doesn’t mean you have to travel less. However, it means you need to drive less of your own car and use more of other vehicles, which includes public transportation, car pooling, cycling, etc. With prices of crude oil going continuously upwards, gas prices will certainly rise more. Drive less from now, save thousands every month.

  • Discard All Credit Cards

Until you have a credit card, these ways to save money are not going to help. Since, swing the card doesn’t give you the feeling that your hard earned is being spent ruthlessly, you swipe more. And then you keep paying more. Besides, interest payment on credit card is very expensive. Quit using cards, get a rich life.

  • Have a Budget

If you aren’t able to save money by cutting down expenses, here is one of the most easiest ways to save money: Start budgeting. There are several hundred ways to budget; select any one and get started. Budgeting helps you to keep a track of your money and keep a control on your spending.